The Little Mermaid
The performance is based on the fairytale “The Little Mermaid” by Hans Christian Andersen.

Opening on May 2023 at Youth Theater, Sofia.
Script written by Elitsa Petkova

“Isn’t it somehow naive and absurd, to think that there is nothing there in the sea? That there is no laughter, no joy and no voices, there under the deep blue?
Isn’t it naive to think that only the man lives, excites, thinks, wishes? To believe that only the sea sand remembers and dreams? It’s naive somehow. Fearful and absurd.“
“But does the man know? What about these bubbles? Don’t they tell us strange fairytales about the sea foam? “Oh, no!” the man will say. Aren’t they tears, or laughter, or weeping, or dreaming?”

“I don’t believe!”- says the man. These are dreams. Dreams of ships and battles and storms. Dreams of love, so light, so ethereal and airy. So brief, just a moment… and they sigh. Have they ever been here? Are we here at all or are we just figures pale, deceptive or are we just foam on every wave?
“I don’t know.” – the man will say. But if only for a moment we could be bold and daring, if only now we could dive hand in hand… Oh, then the man would meet… the vast world of the sea.”


Elitsa Petkova
Scenography and Puppets
Ivaylo Nikolov and Iva Gikova
Plamen Petkov
Teodor Kiriakov
Guergana Damianova